So I arrived to the city a few days ago, Thursday night to be exact, but I have been very busy since then so I have yet to make any posts but here goes.
The first night I got here I meet my host family which consists of a Mother, Father, Daughter and Son, and for sake of privacy I'll continue to refer to the as such. They are all very nice but hard to understand sometimes as they speak much better German than my roommate and I. That night we slept for 13 hours straight as we hadn't slept more than an hour in the last 48.
On our first day in Germany, Thurston, my roommate, and I walked around a park and eventually meet up with my Professor and the rest of the students from UNH at a beer garden. The first day was very overwhelming as all of us had just woken up in a foreign city which we didn't know our way around at all, around people who spoke a completely different language than we are accustomed too. The Beer Garden was amazing though, it was the real look into authentic German culture for me and just sitting there eating and drinking was very, very nice.
Since the first day we have meet with our prospective classes at our University here, the BSI Berlin Sprachenschule Institut. The look of the building was a little different than what I was accustomed too but inside it ha a big open courtyard and the rooms were very clean and well-kept. Also we have visited a German version of Best Buy to get SIM cards to activate our phones here for our time in Germany, it worked for most of us but some, including me, had to get a small burner phone for our time here.
That's all that we have done so far, I will post photos and in general more than I have the last few days. Thanks for reading!